Saturday, September 25, 2010
DIY lab: newspaper jewelry

Did you know you could wear a newspaper? This piece of jewelry is made of newspaper and the necklace is made with the handles of a shopping bag.
What do you have to do to make it?
You will need:
newspaper pages or your favorite magazine
scotch tape
handles of a shopping bag
First Coat the a page of your newspaper with the scotch tape, pay attention not to wrinkle it.
This will protect the paper and will make it super resistant.

Then cut the page in pieces of 2"x4.5"
Now fold the rectangle leaving the plastic side visible.

Now it's time to join them together.
Put one piece into another.Do you see the frame now?
In the first piece will be visible a rectangle not a square. Put the second piece into the first and the 3rd.
Continue adding pieces

Contiunue until you have a row of 9 pieces.
Start another row of 5.
Now you've done the necklace.
Other 2 rows of 6.And these are the earrings.
You have quite done.
Now sew the 9 pieces row with the 5 pieces one. Take a strong thread and start sewing.The thread won't be wisible at all in fact you can harly tell the necklace has been sewn.
You have to sew on the front and on the back.
After all the sewing. take the handles of the shopping bag.They are cut of the right lenght already.
Now put one side into the necklace and with the other side make a noose so you can regulate the lenght of the necklace.
And it's done.
For the earrings sew the pieces to make them stiffer and then cut a piece of metal wire and make a u shape piece to make the connection between the paper and the hook.
Attach the hook and you've done.
Enjoy your new jewelry.
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