Friday, September 10, 2010
Levi's Curve ID

What a big new these days, levi's curve id collection just landed.
Maybe thanks of all this recent talking about curvy models but it seems that the big denim brand is embracing women's curves. They start noticing that the everage woman has to try on at least 10 pair of jeans before finding the pair they will accually buy. Definitely is my case! I always find jeans thight at the leg that form that gap at the back of the waist. Well levi's seems to have resolved this problem. They found out finally that women have curves! This doesn't mean they're fat (as magazines sometimes tell us with curvy models with some of them beaing just plain fat) and it's not a problem of just size. They defined three categories : small curve, demi and bold based on the ratio between hips and waist and they promise the perfect fit at first try.
I'm really curious to see if they're right!
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